
CD Lauschgold

CD Lauschgold





15,- € inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand

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Evelyn Huber: Harfe
Martina Eisenreich: Violine
Wolfgang Lohmeier: Perkussion

Evelyn Huber - Harfe

Three filigree weaved threads in a cozen carpet of sounds abduct to distant worlds, let the autumn storms in Scotland flare up, plunge foggy mire landscapes into soft sunlight or pretend a Fata Morgana in blistering desert heat.

Evelyn Huber CD Lauschgold

Frenetic improvisation results from the magic of the moment, with those putative easiness, which only deep concentration and the intuitional feeling for the musical opposite create. In the mystic inspired interplay music arises, which is completely collecting and doesn’t leave room for anything else. Music, which doesn’t fill breaks but souls.

Evelyn Huber - Harfe
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